I just thought I'd share a few photos that I took while herding along the creek. The quality isn't great because I snapped them with my phone...
This first shot was early morning, after a little rain the night before. This little group of Bluefaced ewes had gone to the neighbors to terrorize their garden...
It's a very pretty cross-section of Bitterroot and Starkey ewes and Ward sired yearlings with a silver crossbred ewe and her lamb.
You my have seen my Facebook posts about the ursine raids. I am literally loaded for bear. We got one small, black boar, but there is another HUGE boar around that has been eating Shetlands. Fortunately, he hasn't been around since we had the hounds on the smaller bear. Knowing where an easy food source is, I think he'll be back, and when he does...
I brought a couple of cans of Coors with my lunch of burritos, and of course Pearl and 158 had to enjoy a sip. One ewe lamb was nibbling bits of tortilla while I was pushing the ewes away from my beer and the rifle.
There is always something to laugh at on this funny farm.
Here is a shot of some lambs sired by Carryhouse 281/R1. (In case you are confused by names of BFL's from the UK... In addition to a flock name, registered flocks are assigned a number by the registry. In this case, Martyn Archer's Carryhhouse flock is 281. 'R1' is this ram's number. 'R' is code for the year he was born and he was the first lamb that year registered in the flock. So, 281/R1.)
The lamb in the background is really ugly, I think. So just pretend it isn't there... This little gal in the foreground though, she's quite a lamb, though a little light in the butt end. I'll breed her to a Blackmoor (Beeston 3138/T70) sired lamb out of Bitterroot Mattie to put some Quarter Horse hips on her lambs.
Lovely pictures! They are so pretty